Welcome to The Spa Dr. Podcast, where we uncover the secrets about women’s health and hormones. Join Dr. Trevor Cates, Naturopathic Doctor, Best-Selling Author, and Founder of The Spa Dr as she reveals in every episode the best-kept secrets for achieving glowing skin, natural beauty, a healthy body, and a balanced mind.

Thursday May 07, 2015
Essential Oils with Dr Eric Zielinski
Thursday May 07, 2015
Thursday May 07, 2015
On today’s show we’re covering essential oils with Dr. Eric L. Zielinski.
Why you should check out this interview...
Dr. Z is a sought-after natural health educator, motivational speaker and author. Dr. Z’s mission is to provide people with simple, evidenced-based tools that they need to achieve the Abundant Life. He specializes in natural remedies and empowering life strategies, and coaches clients locally in the greater Atlanta area as well as globally through his Abundant Life Health Coaching programs.
Today, Dr. Z shares top tips for safely and effectively using essential oils for a variety of health conditions. You’ll learn some of the most popular essential oils from the research and practice and how to use them.
Learn 31 ways to regain control of your health with Essential Oils during The Healthy Oil Summit. It is online and free during May 11-May 18th. Get free access by clicking here.
Please enjoy the show!

Thursday Apr 23, 2015
Natural Solutions for Acne with Dr. Janine Ellenberger
Thursday Apr 23, 2015
Thursday Apr 23, 2015
Why you should check out this interview…
Discover acne causes, triggers and the most effective treatments with my guest Dr. Janine Ellenberger.
Dr. Janine Ellenberger was born, raised and educated as a medical doctor in South Africa. She is a licensed physician in the UK and has worked in anti-aging medicine, women’s health and family medicine for the past 20 years. She maintains a private women's health and aesthetic practice in the UK, was Medical Director of Dermaconcepts in the USA, is an international speaker, and has recently developed her own dedicated Teen to 20's skin care line called GR8SKN.
On Today’s show we talk about acne causes, triggers and treatments. Dr. Janine Ellenberger shares her top topical and internal treatments for addressing acne as it affects both sexes and all ages.
*Special offers*
Dr. Janine Ellenberger is currently offering 15% off any online purchases. Click here to visit her website and key in the code "cates15" to get 15% off your order.
Please enjoy the show…

Thursday Apr 16, 2015
Natural Anti-Aging Strategies with Dr Mitch Fleisher
Thursday Apr 16, 2015
Thursday Apr 16, 2015
On Today’s show I have as my guest my dear friend and colleague Dr. Mitch Fleisher. Dr. Mitch Fleisher is a double board-certified family physician with over thirty years experience practicing holistic medicine. He attended Stanford University School of Medicine, during which time he began his homeopathic and nutritional medical studies in 1975.
Dr. Mitch lectures throughout the U.S. and internationally on holistic medicine. He serves as a professional, integrative medicine consultant to several major health care institutions and corporations. He is also the medical director of a highly regarded Nutraceutical company and an editorial advisor and contributor for published texts, medical journals and popular magazines on the subject of homeopathic medicine and nutritional therapy.
He is the creator of Alternative DrMCare Natural Medical Self-Care Protocols© designed to help people help themselves with natural therapies. Dr. Mitch is in private practice in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains in Nellysford, Virginia.
In this interview, I share how Dr. Mitch Fleisher was my family’s doctor and how he helped me on my path to become a naturopathic physician.
Today’s focus is on natural anti-aging strategies. Dr. Mitch shares 5 things he recommends for all his patients, information on busting the cholesterol myth, and the top nutrients to protect and treat problems associated with aging – specifically for eyes, brain and cardiovascular health.
You can find out more information about Dr. Mitch Fleisher on his website.
Click here to purchase the 100% Organic, non-GMO, green super foods (especially the L.O.V. Super meal and Power Kids) that Dr. Mitch prescribes for his patients and that he and his family use.
Please enjoy the show…

Thursday Apr 09, 2015
Burning Fat by Going Wild with Abel James
Thursday Apr 09, 2015
Thursday Apr 09, 2015
Abel James is a bestselling author, musician, speaker, and entrepreneur. He has the number one rated health podcast in more than eight countries. His award-winning web series, Fat-Burning Man, has helped millions reclaim their health with outdoor adventures, cutting-edge science, and good food.
When it debuted, his cooking app, Caveman Feast, bested The Food Network, Nickelodeon, and even Angry Birds with more than 1,000 5-star reviews in 24 hours. Abel became the first indie publisher ever to hold Apple’s #1 Food App and #1 Health Podcast at the same time. And I'm sure Abel's new book The Wild Diet will be a big hit too! He also travels the world with his wife Alyson and lives off the grid in the Colorado Rockies.
On Today’s show Abel shares with us what is wrong with the foods most of us eat, including what’s happening with the popular Paleo Diet. He talks about the importance of feasting and fasting and other aspects of eating that he has found to be important based upon the knowledge he’s gained over the years in interviewing top health experts, traveling the world, and overcoming his own health challenges.
Abel has just released his new book The Wild Diet. And to celebrate he has 3 complimentary gifts for you!
- The Wild Kitchen eCookbook - Over 80 delicious, fat-burning Wild recipes
- The Wild Diet Cheat Sheet - Infographic including the 6 steps to go wild, how to easily start a fast, The “Wild 15” staple foods, and even a 7 day meal plan
- "How To Make Fatty Coffee" step-by-step cooking video with Abel
Note: The gifts he is offering are only available for a few more days, so hop over to WildDietBook.com and download them right away. These 3 tools will help you burn fat, increase energy, and get your body beach-ready all while you enjoy incredibly delicious food!
For more information about Abel and his podcast, visit www.fatburningman.com
Please enjoy the show...

Thursday Apr 02, 2015
Get Your MoJo Back with Debi Silber
Thursday Apr 02, 2015
Thursday Apr 02, 2015
Debi Silber is known as The Mojo Coach® and is president of Lifestyle Fitness, Inc. She is a weight loss, fitness, lifestyle and personal development expert. She's a speaker and author of 2 books. Debi helps people achieve their ultimate body, mind, image and lifestyle; inspiring them to "get their mojo back" and helping them transform into their personal and professional best.
Debi is a featured expert on nearly 20 websites and has contributed to the Dr. Oz show, Shape, Self, Health, Working Mother, Psychology Today, WebMD, Yahoo Shine, Ladies Home Journal, MSN, Woman's World and Glamour, to name a few.
On Today’s show, Debi shares some tips to get our mojo back so we can look, feel and live our best. We talk about what holds us back from our personal and professional best. And, Debi shares first steps to get overcome our fears and get our mojo back.
Please enjoy the show…
Click here for more information about Debi Silber.

Thursday Mar 26, 2015
Outsmart Cancer with Dr Nalili Chikov
Thursday Mar 26, 2015
Thursday Mar 26, 2015
Dr. Nalini Chilkov is the Founder of IntegrativeCancerAnswers.com and a leading edge authority on integrative cancer care. She is the author of the best selling book 32 Ways to OutSmart Cancer: How to Create a Body in Which Cancer Cannot Thrive.
Dr. Nalini’s OutSmart Cancer programs are recognized as the most comprehensive, science-based, safe, natural programs for supporting cancer patients, cancer survivors, and those who do not want to get cancer.
For over thirty years, Dr. Nalini has helped thousands of people, many with serious and chronic illnesses, achieve and maintain extraordinary health and longevity and is sought out by award winning Hollywood celebrities and insiders.
She is listed as a go to clinician in Susanne Sommer’s book, Doctors Who Are Curing Cancer and How to Prevent Getting It in the First Place. She has appeared as a health expert on NBC TV and has been recognized by WebMD and Dr. Mehmet Oz’s sharecare.com as one of the “Top Ten Online Influencers in Breast Cancer.” And, she writes a very popular blog for the Huffington Post.
Nationally renowned physicians Dr. Frank Lipman and six time New York Times bestselling author Dr. Mark Hyman call her “my go to resource”.
On Today’s show Dr. Nalini shares what increases our risk for cancer and best and worst foods for cancer prevention. And she shares specific supplements and herbs to help keep cancer at bay. She even covers hot topics like bio-identical hormones and the soy controversy.
So, please enjoy the show!
Visit Dr Chilkov's website or Integrative Cancer Answer's Live Well Blog for more information.

Thursday Mar 19, 2015
Allergies and Intolerances with Tom Malterre
Thursday Mar 19, 2015
Thursday Mar 19, 2015
Tom Malterre is a Functional Medicine Trained nutritionist with over 10 years in clinical practice. He has two nutritional science degrees from Bastyr University and, along with his wife Ali, has authored three books including their most recent book, The Elimination Diet. In his free time, Tom loves to wild harvest roots, shoots, and fruits in the mountains with his five children.
On Today’s show we talk about why allergies and intolerances are on the rise. Tom shares which foods he finds are the most problematic foods for a number of symptoms and which foods are most helpful at eliminating symptoms. We go through details of the elimination diet – how and why it works.
Click here to pre-order Tom Malterre’s book The Elimination Diet (and get some free bonus gifts)
Please enjoy the show…

Wednesday Mar 11, 2015
Inflammation and Disease with Dr. Thaddeus Gala
Wednesday Mar 11, 2015
Wednesday Mar 11, 2015
Dr. Thaddeus Gala helps clients reverse chronic health issues and has helped over 2,500 clients. He was voted #1 chiropractor in Southern Oregon in addition to receiving the prestigious clinical excellence award. He has been featured on NBC and CBS and is the keynote speaker at hospitals and medical teaching facilities. He is the founder and Medical Director of Complete Care and The Institute of Natural Disease Reversal.
On Today’s show, we talk about how inflammation plays a role in our health. We talk about symptoms (like weight gain, low energy, pain, and unhealthy skin), diseases (like fibromyalgia and diabetes) and the underlying causes associated with chronic inflammation. Find out how inflammation may be holding you back.
Please enjoy the show..
Click here to get Dr. Gala’s free Guide to Reversing Disease

Thursday Mar 05, 2015
When Vices Become Addictions with Roy Nelson
Thursday Mar 05, 2015
Thursday Mar 05, 2015
Most of us have some unhealthy habits we resort to when life gets stressful and we need relief. Some people take these vices to the extreme and become addicted. Whether it's food, drugs, sex, alcohol, gambling, shopping, or some other activity or substance, addictions cause a great deal of suffering.
Roy Nelson was morbidly obese and an addict, and for years feared he was hopeless. After overcoming all his addictions by healing the underlying causes, he has dedicated his life (the past 25 years) to helping others achieve the same freedom.
On Today’s show, we talk about when vices become addictions – what causes people to cross that line. Roy also shares his journey and how he helps other people with addictions.
After 25 years of healing, Roy’s life-changing stories and wisdom have now been transcribed in his newly released book, The Nelson Method - 28 Days to Freedom
Another excellent resource by Roy Nelson is his book Love Notes From Hell.
Click here to take Roy's free Addictive Personality Quiz
For more information visit Roy Nelson Healing or call 1-800-609-4061.
Please enjoy the show.

Thursday Feb 19, 2015
Healing From the Inside-Out with Dr Mark Menolascino
Thursday Feb 19, 2015
Thursday Feb 19, 2015
Dr. Mark Menolascino has over 30 years of health care experience and is the Medical Director for the Meno Clinic Center for Advanced Medicine in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. He is one of very few physicians that is Board Certified as an Internal Medicine Specialist, Board Certified in Integrative Holistic Medicine, a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner as well as Board Certified in Advanced Hormone Management and Anti-Aging Medicine. He also has a Master’s Degree in Pharmacology and Immunology.
On today’s show we talk about functional medicine and the inside/out approach to optimizing health. We cover a number of topics including what functional and naturopathic medicine doctors do to look for and address underlying causes of health problems. For example, Dr. Mark shares some of the specific signs in the skin, hair and nails he looks for on a physical exam that can reveal nutritional deficiencies.
Please enjoy the show.
Click here to listen, comment or subscribe on iTunes.
For more information about Dr. Menolascino, click here.