Welcome to The Spa Dr. Podcast, where we uncover the secrets about women’s health and hormones. Join Dr. Trevor Cates, Naturopathic Doctor, Best-Selling Author, and Founder of The Spa Dr as she reveals in every episode the best-kept secrets for achieving glowing skin, natural beauty, a healthy body, and a balanced mind.

Thursday Jul 23, 2015
Micronutrient Deficiency with Mira and Jayson Calton
Thursday Jul 23, 2015
Thursday Jul 23, 2015
Why do we become deficient in micronutrients and how do we turn it around?
On Today’s show, I have as my guest Mira and Jayson Calton. Those of you who have seen the glowing skin summit will probably remember these two speakers from the summit.
The Caltons are among the world's leading experts on the topics of weight management, lifestyle medicine and micronutrient deficiency. Their high success rate working with adults and children to achieve sustainable weight loss and reverse health and disease conditions has made them popular among celebrities, athletes and top corporate executives and many other people around the world. It is their belief that becoming micronutrient sufficient is the first step towards preventing and reversing many of today’s most common health conditions and diseases. Mira is a licensed certified nutritionist. And Jayson holds a Masters of Science degree and a Ph.D. in Nutrition.
On Today’s show, we talk about micronutrient deficiencies and I think you’ll be surprised to hear how common they are. The Caltons explain how and why we become deficient in micronutrients, the most common signs and symptoms as well as the top micronutrient deficiencies in our country today. They also share how to become micronutrient sufficient so you can reverse disease and optimize your health.
*Special Offer – The Caltons are offering $200 in same as cash gift certificates for purchasing a copy of their new book The Micronutrient Miracle (currently $14.67 on Amazon) Click on the image below for more information.
Please enjoy the interview!
Thursday Jul 16, 2015
How Sugar Affects Our Health with Dr. Doni Wilson
Thursday Jul 16, 2015
Thursday Jul 16, 2015
Do you know the role sugar plays in your health?
On today’s show, Dr. Doni shares hidden sources of sugar, how sugar affects health, specific tests to talk with your doctor about, and how we can break free from sugar addictions.
Dr. Doni Wilson (Dr. Doni) is an award-winning naturopathic doctor and midwife. For nearly 20 years she has helped women, men, and children overcome health challenges and achieve wellness goals with individualized strategies that address the whole body and the underlying causes of health issues.
Dr. Doni is the creator of The Hamptons Cleanse,™ and she is author of The Stress Remedy: Master Your Body’s Synergy & Optimize Your Health as well as the bestselling e-book Stress Remedies: How to Reduce Stress and Boost Your Health in Just 15 Minutes a Day.
This is an important topic because sugar plays a big role in our health on many levels, and sugar addictions are more common than you may realize.
Please enjoy the show.
Dr. Doni recently published a column in the Huffington Post helping to demystify sugar and nutrition. Click here to read it.
For more information visit Dr. Doni's website.

Thursday Jul 09, 2015
Skin Health Q & A Podcast with Dr. Cates
Thursday Jul 09, 2015
Thursday Jul 09, 2015
Because you asked....
Today’s podcast is focused on answering some of your biggest questions. I’ve received some great questions through Facebook and emails, so instead of interviewing a guest today I’m answering some of your specific questions. I chose questions that apply to many people, and those were around acne, eczema and psoriasis. So, if you or someone close to you is impacted by these troubling skin conditions, this podcast is for you.
While answering the questions, I cover the main triggers of acne, eczema and psoriasis and how to address them with specific supplements, dietary changes and other healthy lifestyle factors.
Enjoy the show.
Dr. Trevor Cates, ND

Thursday Jul 02, 2015
3 Steps to Creating All Day Energy and Radiant Beauty
Thursday Jul 02, 2015
Thursday Jul 02, 2015
How would you like to have all day energy and radiance?
On Today’s show, my guests Erica Jones and Dr. Isaac Jones cover 3 Steps to Creating All Day Energy and Radiant Beauty. We discuss the main underlying causes of common health problems and Erica shares her some great tips for flawless skin. We also cover some top essential oils for radiant health and beauty.
Erica and Dr. Jones are the Founders of Designer Health Centers which has received a certification from the United Nations for its “Excellence in Healthcare.”
Dr. Jones is not only a doctor but a Successful entrepreneur and owner of 3 different companies. He is an advisor and high performance consultant to CEO’s and leading entrepreneurs around the world. Dr. Jones was once in special needs, diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia. Today you’ll learn how over the course of several years he transformed his brain and body function and received academic scholarships to become the performance doctor he is today.
Erica Jones is the creator of TrueBeautyYou.com, a website dedicated to natural and organic strategies for a gorgeous, glowing complexion. You’ll learn what led Erica to join Dr. Jones in creating Designer Health Centers and become dedicated to teaching health optimization tools to people around the world.
I learned about these two when they were on the Essential Oils Summit and then asked them to come on as a guest today.
Learn more about Dr Jones by visiting his website called Super Human Entrepreneur.
Learn more about Erica Jones by visiting her website called True Beauty You.
Enjoy the show.

Wednesday Jun 24, 2015
Dr Lise Alschuler: Create a Body Cancer Doesn't Like
Wednesday Jun 24, 2015
Wednesday Jun 24, 2015
Is it really possible to create a body cancer doesn't like?
On today’s show, Dr. Lise Alschuler shares 5 Key Strategies for Supporting Health and Five Pathways of Prevention. We discuss specific foods, supplements and lifestyle practices that are essential for cancer prevention. Dr. Alschuler also shares some specific tips to protect against skin cancer.
Dr. Lise Alschuler is a naturopathic doctor with board certification in naturopathic oncology and has been practicing since 1994. She received her bachelor’s degree from Brown University in medical anthropology and her doctorate of naturopathic medicine from Bastyr University. She maintains a naturopathic oncology practice out of Naturopathic Specialists, based in Scottsdale AZ. She is the Executive Director of TAP Integrative, a nonprofit educational resource for integrative practitioners. Dr. Alschuler is the co-author of The Definitive Guide to Cancer and The Definitive Guide to Thriving After Cancer.
She co-created http://www.FiveToThrivePlan.com, and co-hosts a radio show, Five To Thrive Live! on the Cancer Support Network about living more healthfully in the face of cancer. She is the current president of the Oncology Association of Naturopathic Physicians. The American Association of Naturopathic Physicians recognized Dr. Alschuler in 2014 as Physician of the Year.
(As a side note, she’s one of my favorite doctors. So smart… I really think you’ll love her and the interview)…
For more information about Dr. Lise Alschuler visit her website.
Get free strategies to support cancer prevention and create deeper wellness by visiting Five to Thrive.
Enjoy the show.

Thursday Jun 18, 2015
Summer Bock: The Power of Probiotics and fermented Foods
Thursday Jun 18, 2015
Thursday Jun 18, 2015
Can adding Probiotics and fermented foods in your diet help you look and feel great?
On today’s podcast with Summer Bock -Master Fermentationist, learn how probiotics and fermented foods can help with your digestion, immune system, skin and even your mood. Start making fermented foods in your own kitchen!
Summer Bock’s mission is to radically improve people’s health while empowering them to revolutionize the local food system using delicious, local and healthy food. A skilled herbalist with a background in microbiology, she is certified by the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and Columbia University.
Summer has created an avid following with her signature programs The Probiotic Power Cleanse, Gut Rebuilding, and the yearlong Fermentationist Certification Program.
To find out more about Summer Bock and the programs she offers, visit her website.
Do you want a customized skin report? Take Dr. Cates' Skin Quiz and receive a customized report for glowing skin and vibrant health.
Enjoy the show!

Thursday Jun 04, 2015
Is Your Health Written on Your Face?
Thursday Jun 04, 2015
Thursday Jun 04, 2015
Acne, eczema, psoriasis and other skin complaints aren't just beauty dilemmas, they may actually be your skin's way of sending out an SOS that an illness is lurking in your body. The skin is both the largest organ in the body and the most visible. It is the body’s primary defense against the elements and speaks about you, your health, and your diet.
So why is it that some people struggle with skin problems while others have glorious skin?
In my practice every day and as The Spa Dr., patients visit me for skin problems such as acne, rosacea, eczema and psoriasis. Once you understand how comprehensive your skin is, you will see that it only makes sense to start caring for your skin where it starts; deep below the surface.
On today's show, I uncover the root causes and triggers of skin problems, including skinflammation, my 7 steps to glowing skin and vibrant health, and the top 7 best and worst foods.
Please enjoy the show.

Thursday May 28, 2015
Love Your Skin with Rachael Pontillo
Thursday May 28, 2015
Thursday May 28, 2015
Is skin just about vanity or does your internal health play a role? Find out on today's show, as I talk with Rachael Pontillo about skin and the inner health connection.
Rachael Pontillo is the bestselling author of Love Your Skin, Love Yourself, and co-author of the cookbook, The Sauce Code. As a licensed aesthetician, award winning IAHC Certified International Health Coach, and metaphysician, Rachael helps women heal physically, emotionally, and spiritually from skin conditions and self image issues. Rachael is also a natural skincare formulator and is the founder and instructor of the 6-week online course, Create Your Skincare. She is the President and co-founder of The Nutritional Aesthetics Alliance—a professional organization dedicated to the acknowledgement and advancement of the skin-health link as a new field of practice with innovative resources, practitioner support, and certification.
If you have ever wondered how your skin is affected by your internal health, this show is for you. On Today’s show, learn about this and some great natural DIY skincare tips from Rachael that you can start doing today in your own kitchen today!
For more information about Rachael Pontillo, visit her website.
Please enjoy the show.

Thursday May 21, 2015
Women's Health and Hormones with Dr Mache Seibel
Thursday May 21, 2015
Thursday May 21, 2015
Learn about hormonal changes that occur as us women age into our 30’s, 40’s and beyond, including how to have a smooth transition through menopause. Dr. Seibel talks about this and more on today's show.
Selected by his peers as one of the Best Doctors in America, Dr. Mache (MAYsh) Seibel is one of America's leading experts on women's health and menopause. He is a recipient of the Media Award from the North American Menopause Society, editor of My Menopause Magazine in the Apple Newsstand and on Google Play, and founder of Menopause Breakthrough, a 5-week online course that empowers women to take control of their symptoms and their lives. Dr. Seibel was a member of the Harvard medical faculty for nearly 20 years. His latest book, The Estrogen Window, is due from Rodale in April 2016.
On Today’s show, Dr. Seibel talks about hormone therapies and gives us four tips to help with a smoother transition through menopause.
Get more tips from Dr. Seibel here: www.FreeMenoPauseEbook.com
To learn more about Dr. Seibel visit www.doctorseibel.com
Please enjoy the show.

Thursday May 14, 2015
Detox Tips to Look and Feel Your Best with Beth Gillespie
Thursday May 14, 2015
Thursday May 14, 2015
Why you should check out this interview...
Do you wonder about detoxification and if you need to do a cleanse?
Beth Gillespie is a Certified Nutrition Consultant and active member of the National Association of Nutrition Professionals. Beth is known as an expert in the field of nutrition, serving both health care practitioners and their patients. Her own “burn out” by the age of 30 was the catalyst that drove her from the telecommunications industry to become a student of nutrition!
Beth studied at Bauman College in Santa Cruz, California to receive her Nutrition Consultant certification and completed her Masters of Science in Human Nutrition at the University of Bridgeport. She attends nutrition and functional medicine conferences on a regular basis to stay on top of the latest research in this exciting field and to share her knowledge with her clients.
Beth is inspired by her own quest for optimal health and shares her passion with anyone that is ready to make a change for a more energized life!
Today, Beth talks about detoxification, why it's so important, and signs your body may be struggling with its detoxification. She also talks about how to avoid the most toxin common exposures and how to safely and effectively enhance your detoxification pathways so you can look and feel your best.
So please enjoy the show…
For more information on Beth Gillespie, visit her website.