Welcome to The Spa Dr. Podcast, where we uncover the secrets about women’s health and hormones. Join Dr. Trevor Cates, Naturopathic Doctor, Best-Selling Author, and Founder of The Spa Dr as she reveals in every episode the best-kept secrets for achieving glowing skin, natural beauty, a healthy body, and a balanced mind.

Thursday Sep 28, 2017
Saving Dinner with Leanne Ely
Thursday Sep 28, 2017
Thursday Sep 28, 2017
On today’s episode of The Spa Dr. Podcast, we cover how to make healthy home cooked meals that are less expensive, tastier and easier. What we cover in this interview is important whether you are making meals for yourself or for your entire family.
My guest is Leanne Ely who began creating Menu-Mailer on SavingDinner.com in 2001 to help families get back to the dinner table. Within just a few years, Readers Digest declared a new industry had been born — the menu planning industry — and Leanne was dubbed the “mother” of menu planning.
Leanne’s goal is to bring families closer together by enjoying healthy and easy-to-prepare meals. She creates innovative menu planning products, which include delicious and nutritious recipes, shopping lists and nutritional information.
You may have seen Leanne on QVC, HGTV’s Simple Solutions, ABC or in Woman’s Day, Parents, Redbook, Self or Shape magazines. Her show, Saving Dinner with the Dinner Diva airs each Wednesday afternoon on BlogTalkRadio.com and is one of the top ten shows on that channel.
Today, Leanne shares her tips and tricks for delicious fun and fabulous healthy eating for the whole family.

Thursday Sep 21, 2017
Regenerative Injection Therapies with Dr. Tyna Moore
Thursday Sep 21, 2017
Thursday Sep 21, 2017
As anti-aging medicine continues to increase in popularity, the number of options can be overwhelming and quite costly. On today’s podcast my guest shares about regenerative injection therapies (including prolotherapy, PRP and stem cell injections) that are used to help with pain management as well as skin issues, including scarring and signs of aging.
My guest today is Dr. Tyna Moore. She is the Medical Director of Core Wellness Clinic in Portland, OR and specializes in the application of natural pain solutions and regenerative injection therapies. She is licensed as both a Naturopathic and Chiropractic physician. Dr. Moore teaches regenerative medicine around the world and educates physicians as well as the general public.
On today’s podcast, we discuss PRP, prolotherapy, stem cell injections for pain management and esthetics.

Thursday Sep 07, 2017
Digestive Health with Dr. Michael Murray
Thursday Sep 07, 2017
Thursday Sep 07, 2017
On this podcast, we often talk about root causes behind skin and other health concerns, and today we’re covering what I consider to be 1 of the most important root causes: digestive health
And, I’m excited to cover this important topic with a very special guest, my friend and colleague Dr. Michael Murray.
Dr. Murray is one of the world’s leading authorities on natural medicine. He has published over 30 books featuring natural approaches to health. He is a graduate, former faculty member, and serves on the Board of Regents of Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington.
Through his work with leading companies, Dr. Murray has been instrumental in bringing many effective natural products to North America, including: Glucosamine sulfate, St. John’s wort extract, Silymarin (milk thistle extract), Enteric coated peppermint oil, Saw palmetto berry extract, PGX, and PharmaGABA.
On today’s podcast, we cover how to know if you have digestive issues. Here’s a hint: it may not even be a digestive symptom. We also discuss why the conventional approach often fails and natural alternatives to address the root issues and heal your body from the inside out.

Thursday Aug 31, 2017
Busting Through Breast Cancer Myths with Dr. Véronique Desaulniers
Thursday Aug 31, 2017
Thursday Aug 31, 2017
Today we’re discussing how to Bust Through Breast Cancer Myths and 7 Essentials to Prevent and Heal Breast Cancer Naturally.
My guest is Dr. Véronique Desaulniers, better known as “Dr. V.” Dr. V has maintained successful practices in the Wellness Field since 1979. Because of her passion for health and wellness, Dr. V undertook extensive studies in various fields of Energy Medicine. Specializing in Chiropractic, Bio-Energetics, Meridian Stress Analysis, Homeopathy, and Digital Thermography, Dr. V brings a unique approach to Health and Wellness.
After 30 years in active practice, she decided to “retire” and devote her time sharing her personal, non-toxic healing journey with Breast Cancer. Her years of experience and research have culminated as The 7 Essentials TM, a step-by-step coaching program.
Dr. V is a #1 best-selling author and has a # 1 Best Selling book on Amazon, Heal Breast Cancer Naturally. Her website and her personal healing journey have touched the lives of thousands of women around the globe.
On today’s podcast we cover: what cancer is and what it is not, breast cancer triggers, and what Dr. V has found to be the 7 Essentials for Healing and Preventing Breast Cancer.

Thursday Aug 24, 2017
Women’s Hormones, Health and Skin with Dr. Anna Cabeca
Thursday Aug 24, 2017
Thursday Aug 24, 2017
We often talk about root causes on The Spa Dr. podcast, and one of the root causes we talk about is hormone imbalance. Have you ever wondered if your hormones are the reason behind your health and skin issues?
Well, if you’re a woman and you think your hormones may be out of balance or if you’re a woman over 30 and care about your health and want to age gracefully, you’ll want to watch this podcast.
My guest is Dr. Anna Cabeca. She is an Emory University trained gynecologist and obstetrician, a menopause and sexual health expert and international speaker and educator.
On today’s podcast we cover how your hormones change throughout your cycle and your life and how these changes impact your health and skin. Dr. Cabeca covers how each hormone plays a role and she shares specific nutrient, diet and lifestyle choices that will help balance your hormones.

Thursday Aug 17, 2017
Debunking Dieting Myths with Dietician Cassie
Thursday Aug 17, 2017
Thursday Aug 17, 2017
My guest today is known by her fans and followers as Dietitian Cassie. She is a globally recognized leader in weight loss, highly sought-after speaker, and international bestselling author.
For more than a decade, her methodology used in her worldwide coaching program has helped tens of thousands of men and women identify the missing puzzle pieces—the real reasons for their weight issues — and guide them through her step-by-step process to address those factors and put their pieces back together.
From major corporate speaking events and personal client coaching to her regular column, "Real Talk with Dietitian Cassie" in Paleo Magazine, Cassie and her team of dietitians help people find freedom from diets and chronic health conditions.
There’s a good chance you’ve seen her in the media, such as CBS, ABC, WCCO, FOX News, CNN, TIME, Parade, Cosmopolitan, SELF, SHAPE, Women’s Health, Men's Fitness and The Huffington Post.
In today’s interview we discuss diet myths and the diet changes that actually help people lose weight, feel great and have glowing skin. So, please enjoy this interview with Dietician Cassie.

Friday Aug 11, 2017
4 Top Wellness Doctors Share the #1 Way to Elevate Your Wellbeing
Friday Aug 11, 2017
Friday Aug 11, 2017
Today, I have something special for you... I was attending a wellness conference with top health experts from around the country, and I had the opportunity to interview 4 of them. I asked each of these women doctors what each of them has discovered to be the #1 thing that helps people elevate their wellbeing. Each one is different and equally important. You probably already know these women because they are movers and shakers in the wellness world…
Dr. Amy Meyer NYT besselling author of the Thyroid Connection
Dr. Kellyann Petrucci, NYT bestselling author of The Bone Broth Diet
Dr. Joan Rosenberg psychologist, consultant and speaker.
Dr. Izabella Wentz #1 NYT bestselling author of Hashimoto’s Protocol
Please enjoy these interviews!

Thursday Jul 20, 2017
Addressing the Gut Microbiome with Christa Orecchio
Thursday Jul 20, 2017
Thursday Jul 20, 2017
Today, we’re delving into the gut microbiome. This is one of the big root causes behind many health and skin conditions, so I’m excited to share this information with you…
My guest today is Christa Orecchio. She is founder of The Whole Journey and is a clinical and holistic nutritionist. After healing herself from brain fog, thyroid, and adrenal problems, Christa was able to access a new level of health and happiness she previously did not think was possible. This inspired her to leave the business world to study holistic nutrition in 2003 so that should could "pay it forward" and help others experience the same powerful shifts.
She has a private practice, is a local and national health TV show host, bestselling author and creator of Kick Candida for Good and the revolutionary Gut Thrive in 5 microbiome rejuvenation program.

Thursday Jun 29, 2017
Six Pillars of Health with Marni Wasserman and Jesse Chappus
Thursday Jun 29, 2017
Thursday Jun 29, 2017
My guests today are Dr. Jesse Chappus and Marni Wasserman, co-hosts of The Ultimate Health Podcast.
Marni Wasserman is a nutritionist and the Author of Fermenting for Dummies and Plant-Based Diet For Dummies . Marni uses passion and experience to educate individuals on how to adopt a realistic real food diet and a balanced wholesome lifestyle through simple strategies.
Dr. Jesse Chappus retired from chiropractic after being in clinical practice for four and a half years because he felt it was time to take his health message online to reach a larger audience. Jesse is a firm believer in a proactive model of health.
On today’s podcast, Jesse and Marnie share what they believe are the six pillars of health. And, we discuss how to create a community and influence in your life to support a healthy lifestyle.

Thursday Jun 22, 2017
Identify Your Character Strengths with Dr. Sandra Scheinbaum
Thursday Jun 22, 2017
Thursday Jun 22, 2017
On today’s podcast we’re talking how identifying your positive personality traits or character strengths can boost your well-being and even help relationships.
My guest today is Dr. Sandra Scheinbaum. She is the founder and CEO of the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy, a program established in collaboration with The Institute for Functional Medicine. An IFM Certified Practitioner and licensed clinical psychologist with a Masters degree in learning disabilities, Dr. Scheinbaum has specialized in blending mind-body medicine with positive psychology and cognitive-behavior therapy for over 40 years.
She established a clinic for diagnosing and treating attention deficit disorders and also ran a clinic for treating panic and anxiety. Dr. Scheinbaum is a board-certified senior fellow in biofeedback, certified health coach and registered yoga instructor. She is the author of Stop Panic Attacks in 10 Easy Steps and How to Give Clients the Skills to Stop Panic Attacks, and conducted one of the first controlled studies of neurofeedback for the treatment of ADD.
On today’s podcast, we discuss how to get support on your health journey to optimize wellness and Dr. Sandy explains how to identify your character strengths and use them to help your well-being and vitality.